Thursday, April 16, 2009

Annabelle’s Room – update

This is how far we are now after 2 days of working on the wood floor.

004 It’s a little hard to see with the tools and stuff in the way but, we are progressing.006

We already have a bunch of clothes for her.  We have had years to purchase things, here and there.


We have blankets, furniture, etc.

Rebecca fixed up the crib we purchased a little while ago at a garage sale.  Touch-up, re-painted, etc.


Of course Dougie likes the crib as well!!


Saturday, April 11, 2009

Annabelle’s Room

We are continuing work on Annabelle's room! Lotsa fun. We actually know who she is and approximately when she is coming home. This gives us a whole new excitement.

Here is our progress on the wood floor today. . . . .


We bought the wood flooring, compressor and brad nail gun with the money made off the garage sale we had last July.


clip_image002Here is Frank already being the protective one!




Of course Dougie just follows mom . . . and the camera!




  Here I am, working hard!!



  Not an easy task.019


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Adoption of Annabelle

Today we started a blog to document the adoption of Annabelle from China.

We were called on Saturday March 28th at 7:22 AM from Lauren at America World telling us they had a referral for us, Gong Ya Li. We accepted the referral and started the process of adopting her.
She was born June 11, 2007.
She is in the Waiting Children program. She has a type III cleft lip and palate. Everything else about this beatiful child is fine!! We are very excited!!
Yesterday on April 8th we received our PA (pre-approval) from the China Center for Adoption Affairs! Next step is the RA (referral approval) which should be in about 1-3 months from now.