Sunday, August 23, 2009

Beijing on Saturday and Sunday - China time.

Hello everyone. We've had a couple of very busy days. We were so tired yesterday, we did not have time to blog. We got back from the days events, showered and went to sleep.

On Saturday our guide took us to Tienanmen Square, Summer Palace, Forbidden City, a pearl factory and a great tea house called Dr. Tea. We also had two group meals along the way.
The square and Forbidden City were quite busy for us but apparently was normal for them. It was much, much bigger than we imagined. It got more and more beautiful the further in we went. The tea house was a very nice touch. The best tea you can imagine is there. Nothing in bags. Apparently, REAL tea does not come in little bags. Our guide, Rosa has been wonderful. She is very helpful and informative. We are learning so much about the city, China and the culture.

Sunday (today) we were taken to the Beijing International Christian Fellowship for a Sunday morning church service, a jade factory, a Cloisonne factory, THE GREAT WALL, and the site of the 2008 Olympics (water cube, birds nest etc.) and two group meals again.
Church was fantastic. We had a group of blind orphans come in and sing a French song. . .in French! Very sweet. The jade factory had the most jade I have ever seen. Very beautiful. The Cloisonne factory made these enamel coated copper items; bowls, vases, etc. Beautiful and extremely time consuming to make. The best part of the day was the Great Wall of China. We only visited a fraction of it, of course, it is something like 4000 miles long! Daniel and I climbed up a very steep set of stairs. Extremely exhausting.

We seem to be adjusting to China time pretty well.

Tomorrow is the day we have been waiting for......we pick up Annabelle ! We are very exhausted and hope to be able to post some more pictures soon (kind of tricky as Blogger is blocked in China), so we will talk to all soon.

Much love to you all and God Bless :)


  1. Good morning, it 6:55am Sunday the girls have already left for church Michael and I will be going an little later.By the time you read this it might be Monday morning!give us complete details of your and Annabelle reaction when you all finally meet.I wish I could be there to see.I love you all and will keep you in my prayers.
    Love mom

  2. Oh, this sounds like such an adventure! Finally, a new little soul for you to guide and love. Thanks for the blogs, it really is fun to hear about it all. xoxoLesley and Dad
