Saturday, August 1, 2009

Delay getting Annabelle

We were originally hoping to make the July group on the 30th but our adoption agency, America World, did not get our Travel Approval from China (CCNA).  In fact, we are not sure if America World has received our TA yet at all.

The next group to go to China is tentatively scheduled for August 13th or the 20th.

Please keep us in your prayers.  This is the most stressful time for us as we are so close, yet we do not know when we will go get our beautiful daughter.

Thank you.


  1. Danny and Becca,
    What an ordeal you all have gone through! You have a record to show her later in life how badly you wanted her and how much work it was...!
    Love to you, Dad and Lesley

  2. You have to keep a record and then decided that delay getting annebell .


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