Saturday, October 31, 2009

Annabelle is home !!!

She did so well that she was able to come home a day early.  Annabelle was originally scheduled to stay at the hospital at least two nights.  She recovered very quickly so, the doctors discharged her Friday night October 30th.

This is Annabelle and Rebecca getting checked in for the surgery.

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She had some fun while we were all waiting.

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Rebecca and I took turns strolling her around.  I think we played with every toy there!

We were delayed two hours because of an emergency surgery that came in while we were there.  They had to take our operating room so, we had to wait for another one to become available.  We ended up waiting in this one area for almost 4 and half hours.  Annabelle had not eaten anything since 9PM on Wednesday night.  She did not go in for surgery until 1 PM Thursday afternoon.  She did not complain once for food or drink this entire time!  What a trooper!

Loma Linda University Medical Center had a treat for the kids in the hospital for Halloween.  this is one thing we were able to do while waiting for the surgery.

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We took Annabelle around to get toys and treats.  We did no let her see the cookies that were available though!!

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She even got some necklaces!

Well, that first night was really rough for Annabelle but, we got her home early and she is doing very well.

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This is our first family picture with Annabelle back at home with her new mouth.

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This is Annabelle having her first meal at home.  She loves Malt-O-Meal.

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Daniel is real happy to have us all back together as well.  He was not allowed to go visit Annabelle at the hospital.  You had to be 18 years or older.  We had some family help us out at the hospital and hanging out with Daniel while we were out.

Here is a before and after picture of Annabelle with daddy.

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Thank you all so much for your prayers and support!  I know Annabelle felt God’s blessings all the way.


  1. All of the stress of this day is worth it. Annabelle looks even more beautiful than she did before. She is a very lucky girl to have some amazing parents. ;)

  2. Hi there! I'm a fellow Olive Tree mom and just got your blog address from our newsletter. :) Congratulations on your BEAUTIFUL daughter!! She is so precious! I am so glad her surgery went well. God bless your sweet family! <3 Melody
